Everyone asks if my butt is real….with the Brazilian butt lift being one of the most popular surgeries of 2017, I don't blame them. Although I‘m flattered, but I am proud to say that its 100% real! Want to grow your butt naturally? Try this free workout!
Welcome to leg day! My favorite of all gym days. Which is why I generally work legs a few times a week. Different focuses of course. I will either do heavy lifting, plyometrics, isometrics or Pilates. Today is more of a plyo day and iso day. Try your best & enjoy!
Warm up:
5-10 min uphill treadmill (fast walk)
3 min foam roll legs/glute/low back
Booty band clam shells 30ea side
Set 1
Booty Band Jumping Jacks: 35 sec
Booty Band Low Side Steps: 35 sec
Booty Band Squat Hold/Pulse: 35 sec
Repeat 3x total
Set 2
Booty Band hip thrust: 45 sec, no weight
Booty Band Double leg bench bridge: 45 sec
Booty Band Double leg bench bridge pulse at the top: 45 sec
Repeat 3x total
Set 3
Single Leg Deadlift x15 ea side (use a weight that's challenging but doesn't hurt your knee/hip etc. I use 10-15+lbs in each hand)
Double Leg Hamstring Curl Machine x15 (I use 60+lbs)
Reverse Lung (in place) x15 each (I use 10-15+ lbs)
Repeat 3x total
*Amount of weight varies based on my goals at the time of the workout. Currently I am taking it easier than normal to ensure my stem cells grow properly, the heavier you go, the bigger your muscles grow fyi.
Set 4
Kneeling Cable Kick Backs x25 each side
Increase weight each set
Set 5
Lunge stretch 35 sec
Piriformis stretch: Standing or lying down 35 sec ea side
Foam Roll: 5 min
Congrats! You made it and didn't die! Great job! Check back for more fun workouts!
In health,
Brianna Marie, HHFC
#workout #fitfam #legday #growyourbooty #naturalbutt #bubblebutt #holistichealingfitclub #fitness #weightloss #girlswholift #kimkardashian #khloekardashian #kardashianbooty